No Having A Card Does Not Mean You Have Money
Most people who argue the case of credit cards, quoted the benefits and convenience that comes from them. However, there is another group / line of thought, strictly against the credit cards. The reason for this is the "credit card debt", which is one of the most serious problems is through the credit card holder credit card industry faces.
You can not pull the blinds industry credit cards just a few irresponsible people (or even if more than one partner). This is not a solution to excessive debt beat credit card. In addition, you can not overlook the benefits associated with credit cards.
The issue of excessive credit card debt can be looked at from 2 angles. First is addressing of the excessive credit card debt problem at the industry level and second is the addressing of the excessive credit card debt problem at the individual’s level i.e. at the credit card holder level. The first method involves increasing awareness of the excessive credit card debt problem to the masses. This is more or less being done currently too.
However, there should also be an effort to tackle this problem of excessive credit card debt at an even deeper level. This means trying to devise a mechanism to nip the problem (of excessive credit card debt) in the bud. This mechanism should actually be a part of the overall system. A lot of thought needs to go into devising such a mechanism. Case studies should be taken up, statistics gathered and a proper forum formed (with representatives from the credit card holders and from the credit card suppliers).
As of now, the credit card suppliers just seem to be engaged in coming out with new products and getting customers enrolled to those products. There is little attention paid towards addressing the problem of excessive credit card debt in the real sense. Something like attending mandatory seminars on the root causes of excessive credit card debt could be made part of the credit card application process.
Another way to tackle credit card debt may be excessive: the development of a system to calculate the limit credit cards apply at the individual level is not normal credit limit / product-based.
You can then proactively alert mechanisms for users on excessive credit card debt (depending on their use of credit card) or restrictions on the principles of notice the first signs that the credit card excessive leverage at the individual level addressing the problem of credit card debt would be excessive on best practices (use of credit cards and avoid excessive credit card debt) by the same people or group list of questions could be recognized by these early signs of paper credit, excessive debt is available.
So, the problem of credit card debt safely treated for serious reflection over a broader level with the discipline at the individual level.
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